ILA – Program Overview

Building leadership is critical to the near term and long term success of your firm. ITA’s Leadership Alliance (ILA) is designed to accomplish the following goals:

  • To awake and enhance a desire to grow as leaders
  • To provide tools that foster leadership development and unleash potential
  • To develop deep peer interaction – ideas, sounding board and support
  • To improve communication
  • To facilitate more successful succession – leadership and ownership
  • To grow the next leaders of ITA members    

​This is What Makes ILA Valuable 

Leadership Base Camps, zoom meetings, and Leadership Roundtables

In conjunction with the Spring and Fall ITA Collaboratives, we will conduct two Leadership Base Camp retreats designed to prepare and launch participants on a journey to greater leadership ability. These full-day events combine instruction, peer interaction and personalized planning and goal setting – resulting in a clear path for growth and development.

Leadership Roundtables will be scheduled regularly, providing participants an opportunity to discuss leadership topics and their application to real world case studies. 

These events will ensure group synergy and communication and will provide continued momentum and peer accountability for the other ILA activities. 

Personalized Leadership Development Plan

Each participant will create their own individualized plan for leadership development and growth. Created in the first Leadership Base Camp, this plan will bring clarity of vision and purpose for program participation. It will identify goals targeted at those areas of growth providing the most benefit to the individual and the firm.

The plan will evolve with the needs of both the future leader and their firm. The plan serves as the foundation of other ILA activities. It will be reviewed in all interactions with the ILA Guide, and will facilitate in-house mentoring to assist in its completion. The success of ILA for each participant will be measured by the degree to which the plan is executed and delivers the desired return on investment of time, effort and money.

Coaching and Mentoring

Each participant will have monthly contact with the ILA Guide. The purpose of these Zoom calls is to review progress in executing their plan, as well as provide coaching on their unique leadership challenges and opportunities.

Book Reviews

Learning and applying knowledge will be critical to leadership growth. Each participant will read acclaimed business books and will have the opportunity to discuss what they’ve learned with their peers and share experiences relative to real world application of book content.

How to Register or Ask Questions

Contact Bret Romney for program information and Lissa Johnsen for help with enrollment questions.