ILA – Who Should Attend and Why

An Analogy

To become stronger physically requires the right nutrition and exercise for your unique physical situation.  You can build a program on your own and with the proper discipline, see desired results.  Or you can join a gym and consult a nutritionist and trainer to assist you in developing your personalized plan, with scheduled workouts to keep you disciplined.

The ITA Leadership Alliance (“ILA”) is like a leadership gym.  Program components have been designed to feed your mind, teach skills, help you develop a Personalized Leadership Development Plan unique to your needs, and then provide opportunities to exercise stronger leadership in your current job role.  Just like the gym, the personalized nature of the ILA can accommodate the beginner as well as the seasoned professional – all that’s required is a desire to develop stronger leadership abilities.

WHO Should Attend?

This is NOT about level, age or anything to do with similar differentiators.

This program is designed for:

  • People who want to improve their overall leadership skills.
  • People who have been identified for increased leadership responsibilities.
  • People who want to increase their leadership positioning in the firm.
  • Managers, directors, practice leaders and even current partners or principals who would benefit from a structured, interactive leadership program that helps them develop their own personalized leadership development plan.

WHY Should You Participate?

ITA conducted research with members including surveys, conversations, and multiple sessions at our Collaboratives to determine whether ITA should offer leadership development training.  Key results were:

100% said that having formally developed leaders increases the value of your firm.
95% see value in spending designated money to develop future leaders in your firm.
98% indicated that this initiative is very important for the future of ITA.

Many believe that ITA is the best place to design this type of program, because ITA members are all facing similar industry issues, and personalized leadership training developed by us would be better than a generic leadership development program.

We realize our larger vendors and CPA firms* may offer leadership training.  Yet, we learned from many that they are looking for something different.  And, we discovered this to be the same for our consulting and reselling firms.

WHAT Is Different?

A Leadership Alliance program!  We asked our faculty to develop a comprehensive full-year program of activities to develop the leadership skills of key personnel.  And, one that is designed to foster an alliance and cooperation between the participants.

. . .  After all, we are the Information Technology Alliance and our motto is Knowledge Increases In Value When It Is Shared.  This addresses the alliance component of ITA in a new way!

* For our CPA firm technology leaders, this is not the CIO Academy, which is a program designed to provide existing CIO’s with skills to become “the best CIO they can be within an accounting firm”. The CIO Academy is held each year at ITA Spring Collaboratives in the Strategic Track. This ILA program is for your key people described above.